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Proceeding of International Conference (180 entries)

  1. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation of an inductively coupled Josephson junction circuit, Proc. NOLTA'93, Vol.3, pp.1019-1022, Honolulu, Dec. 1993.
  2. Yoshio Tanaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, A robotic truck crane with vibration sensors, Proc. JFCM'04, pp.731-734, Takamatsu, June 1994.
  3. Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsushi Ueta, Stabilization and Destbilization of Chaotic Systems, Proceedings of ICIAM 95 in Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, pp.210-213, Hamburg, July 1995.
  4. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation phenomena in the Josephson junction circuit coupled by a resistor, Proc. NOLTA'95, Vol.1, pp.343-346, Las Vegas, Nov. 1995.
  5. Masafumi Tsueike, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Basin of attractions in controlled chaotic system, Proc. NOLTA'95, Vol.2, pp.985-988, Las Vegas, Nov. 1995.
  6. Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Destabilizing control of stable orbits, Proc. NOLTA'95, Vol.2, pp.997-1000, Las Vegas, Nov. 1995.
  7. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Unstable saddle-node connecting orbits in the averaged Duffing-Rayleigh equation, Proc. of ISCAS'96, Vol.3, pp.288-291, Atlanta, May 1996.
  8. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, A Control to Enlarge the Region of Frequency Entrainment in a Nonautonomous System, Proc. of NOLTA'96, pp.73-74, Kochi, Oct. 1996.
  9. Takuji Kousaka, Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsushi Ueta, Synchronization of Electric Fireflies of Square Wave Generators, Proc. of NOLTA'96, pp.321-324, Kochi, Oct. 1996.
  10. Masafumi Tsueike, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcations of Coupled Neural Oscillators, Proc. of NOLTA'96, pp.365-368, Kochi, Oct. 1996.
  11. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Yuuji Katsuta, A computation of bifurcation parameter values for limit cycles, Proc. of ISCAS'97, Vol.2, pp.801-804, Hong Kong, June 1997.
  12. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Chaos synchronizing control in the invariant subspaces, Proc. COC'97, pp.69-72, St. Petersbrug, Russia, Aug. 1997.
  13. Makoto Shiota, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Computation of three-dimensional bifurcation diagrams for dynamical systems, Proc. NOLTA'97, pp.69-72, Hawaill, USA, Nov. 1997.
  14. Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Controlling chaos in nonlinear dynamical systems with non-smooth characteristics, Proc. NOLTA'97, pp.471-474, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 1997.
  15. Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Takuji Kousaka, Hiroyuki Kitajima, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, BVP oscillator with periodically switched RC circuit, Proc. of 1997 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, pp.479-482, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 1997.
  16. Tetsushi Ueta, T Okubo, Hiroshi Kawakami, Nonlinear resonant circuit with phase-controlled periodic signal, Proc. NOLTA'97, pp.487-490, Hawaill, USA, Nov. 1997.
  17. Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tohru Kawabe, Comparison between Chaotic Noise and Burst Noise on Solving Ability of Hopfield Neural Networks, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'97), Vol.1, pp.409-412, Honolulu, Nov. 1997.
  18. Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation of Switched Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Proc. of ISCAS'98, Vol.3, pp.465-468, Monterey, CA, USA, May 1998.
  19. Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation of a Nonlinear Circuit with a State-Dependent Switch, Proc. NOLTA'98, Vol.1, pp.867-870, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, Sep. 1998.
  20. Tetsushi Ueta, Guanrong Chen, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Kawakami, A Numerical Algorithm for Computing Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation Parameters, Proc. ISCAS'99, Vol.5, pp.503-506, Orlando, FL, USA, May 1999.
  21. Ei'ichiro Okahisa, Hiroyuki Kitajima, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Spatiotemporal Chaotic Motion in Lower Dimensional Coupled Maps, Proc. KES'99, Vol.1, pp.867-870, Aderade, Australia, Aug. 1999.
  22. Shuji Baba, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Hopfield Neural Network with Various Burst Noise for TSP, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'99), Vol.1, pp.13-16, Waikoloa, U.S.A., Nov. 1999.
  23. Katsuya Shimoji, Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, On the Properties of Hopfield Neural Networks with Chaotic Noise for Traveling Salesman Problem, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'99), Vol.1, pp.9-12, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 1999.
  24. Tetsushi Ueta, Guanrong Chen, Tohru Kawabe, An Approach to Calculation and Control of Unstable Periodic Orbits in Chaotic Piecewise Linear Systems, Proc. NOLTA'99, Vol.1, pp.9-12, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 1999.
  25. Akira Takeuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Kenji Terada, An Improvement of Image Segmentation by using Fractal Coding, Proceedings of the Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications(NOLTA'99), Vol.1, pp.347-350, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 1999.
  26. Toshikazu Masaki, Tetsushi Ueta, Kenji Terada, Fingerprint Identification using Fractal Coding, Proceddings of the Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications(NOLTA'99), Vol.1, pp.143-146, Hawaii, Dec. 1999.
  27. Eiji Izumida, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Efficient Construction of 3D Bifurcation Diagrams for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Proc. NOLTA'99, Vol.1, pp.257-260, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 1999.
  28. Takashi Kido, Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Efficient Construction of 3D Bifurcation Diagrams for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Proc. NOLTA'99, Vol.1, pp.93-96, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 1999.
  29. Shuji Baba, Naoki Urushihara, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Solving Ability of the Hopfield NN with Burst Noise, Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Proceedings of Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium (AFSS'00), Vol.2, pp.914-917, Tsukuba, May 2000.
  30. Katsuya Shimoji, Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, Solving Abilities of Hopfield Neural Network with Chaotic Noise versus with Simulated Annealing for Traveling Salesman Problem, Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Proceedings of Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium (AFSS'00), Vol.2, pp.909-913, Tsukuba, May 2000.
  31. Takuji Kousaka, Shouichi Tahara, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Minoru Abe, Controlling Chaos of Nonlinear Hybrid System with a State-Period Depended Switch, Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, AFSS 2000, Vol.1, pp.363-368, Tsukuba, Japan, May 2000.
  32. Takuji Kousaka, Takashi Kido, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Minoru Abe, Analysis of Border-Collision Bifurcation in a Simple Circuit, Proc. ISCAS00, Vol.2, pp.481-484, Geneva, May 2000.
  33. Tetsushi Ueta, Guranrong Chen, Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Bifurcation and Bursting Response in Coupled Neural Oscillators, Proc. ISCAS00, Vol.3, pp.475-478, Geneva, May 2000.
  34. Tetsushi Ueta, Guranrong Chen, Bifurcation and chaos of Chen's equation, Proc. ISCAS00, Vol.5, pp.505-508, Geneva, May 2000.
  35. Tetsushi Ueta, Guanrong Chen, Zhi-Hong Guan, mpulsive Control of a Chaotic Pendulum, Proc. NOLTA'00, Vol.1, pp.225-228, Dresden, Germany, Sep. 2000.
  36. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcation of Burst response in Forced Wilson-Cowan Neuron Model, Proc. NOLTA'00, Vol.1, pp.285-288, Dresden, Germany, Sep. 2000.
  37. Tetsushi Ueta, Ei'ichiro Okahisa, Tohru Kawabe, Yoshifumi Nishio, Construction of Effective Noise for TSP, IEEE, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON'00), pp.2135-2140, Nagoya, Oct. 2000. DOI:10.1109/IECON.2000.972606
  38. Takuji Kousaka, M Matsumoto, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation Analysis in Hybrid Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Proc. ISCAS2001, Vol.III, pp.281-284, Sydney, May 2001.
  39. Tetsushi Ueta, Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Kawakami, Calculation of the isocline for the fixed point with a specified argument of complex multipliers, Proc. ISCAS2001, Vol.III, pp.281-284, Sydney, May 2001.
  40. Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Tetsushi Ueta, Counting and classifying synchronized patterns in symmetrical network, Proc. of First Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, pp.3, Shanghai, June 2001.
  41. Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Controlling chaos in a state-dependent nonlinear circuit, Proc. of First Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, pp.26-27, Shanghai, June 2001.
  42. Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Hiroshi Kawakami, Strange attractor in resistively coupled BVP oscillators, Proc. of Progress on Nonlinear Science, pp.26-27, Nizhny Novgorod, June 2001.
  43. Takahiro Oie, Youji Ochi, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoneo Yano, Hiroshi Kawakami, A Database Orienting Information Disclosure on Campus Network, ITHET2001, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, pp.211-218, Kumamoto, July 2001.
  44. Shouichi Tahara, Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Minoru Abe, Hiroshi Kawakami, Experimental Control of Chaotic Behavior in State-Dependent Nonlinear Circuit, Proc. of NOLTA2001, p.22, Zaou, Miyagi, Japan, Oct. 2001.
  45. Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, Iterative Simulated Annealing for Hopfield Neural Network, The International Association of Science and Technology for Development, Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp.59-62, Marina del Rey, U.S.A., May 2002.
  46. Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tetsushi Ueta, Tohru Kawabe, Tohru Ikeguchi, Solving Ability of Hopfield Neural Network with Chaotic Noise and Burst Noise for Quadratic Assignment Problem, IEEE, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'02), Vol.3, pp.465-468, Phoenix-Scottsdale, U.S.A., May 2002. DOI:10.1109/ISCAS.2002.1010261
  47. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation and chaos in asymmetrically coupled BVP oscillators, Proc. ISCAS2002, Vol.2, pp.544-547, Phoenix, AZ, May 2002.
  48. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, An advanced design method of bursting in FitzHugh-Nagumo model, Proc. ISCAS2002, Vol.1, pp.389-392, Phoenix, AZ, May 2002.
  49. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation and chaos in the extended BVP oscillator, Proc. NDES2002, pp.3-5-3-8, Izmir, Turkey, June 2002.
  50. Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation behavior in a nonlinear circuit with a state-period dependent switch, Proc. NDES2002, pp.3-1-3-4, Izmir, Turkey, June 2002.
  51. Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tetsushi Ueta, Tohru Kawabe, Tohru Ikeguchi, Performance of Chaos Noise Injected to Hopfield NN for Quadratic Assignment Problems, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'02), Vol.1, pp.267-270, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
  52. Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, Comparison between Chaotic Noise and Iterative Simulated Annealing for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'02), Vol.1, pp.447-450, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
  53. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcations in gap-junctionally coupled BVP neurons driven by periodic external force, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proc. of NOLTA'02, Vol.1, pp.307-310, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
  54. Yusuke Nishiuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, On basin boundary of the extended BVP oscillator, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proc. of NOLTA'02, Vol.1, pp.311-314, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
  55. Atsushi Tsuda, Yusuke Nishiuchi, Akinori Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Applications of nonlinear signal processing by DSP, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proc. of NOLTA'02, Vol.2, pp.1009-1012, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
  56. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Chaos in cross-coupled BVP oscillator, Proc. ISCAS2003, Vol.3, pp.68-72, Bangkok, May 2003.
  57. Yusuke Nishiuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, On a stable torus in a three dimensional autonomous system, 2003 Europian Conference on Circuits Theory and Design, Proc. of ECCTD'03, Vol.1, pp.82-85, Cracow, Sep. 2003.
  58. Yusuke Nishiuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, A Blurred Boundary and its Manifolds in the Extended BVP oscillator, Proc. of NCSP'04, pp.515-518, Honolulu, Mar. 2004.
  59. Atsushi Tsuda, Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, On Basin Boundary of Composite Dynamical System with Pole Assignment, Proc. of NCSP'04, pp.363-366, Honolulu, Mar. 2004.
  60. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcations in Modified BVP Neurons Coupled by Gap-Junctions, Proc. of NCSP'04, pp.495-498, Honolulu, Mar. 2004.
  61. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, An aspect of oscillatory conditions in linear systems and Hopf bifurcations in nonlinear systems, Proc. NDES2004, pp.352-355, Evora, Portugal, May 2004.
  62. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcations in current coupled BVP oscillators, Proc. NDES2004, pp.348-351, Evora, Portugal, May 2004.
  63. Tetsushi Ueta, Yu Toyosaki, Shigeki Tsuji, Takuji Kousaka, Partial delayed feedback control and its DSP implementation, Prod. MWSCAS'04, pp.629-632, Hiroshima, July 2004.
  64. Sang-Ho Hyon, X Jiang, Takashi Emura, Tetsushi Ueta, Passive running of planar 1/2/4-legged robots, Proc. IEEE/RS IROS, pp.3532-3539, Sendai, Sep. 2004.
  65. Sang-Ho Hyon, Takashi Emura, Tetsushi Ueta, Detection and stabilization of hybrid periodic orbits of passive running robots, Proc. Mechatronics and Robotics, pp.1309-1314, Archen, Germany, Sep. 2004.
  66. Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Tohru Kawabe, Sang-Ho Hyon, Partial External Force Control for Piecewise Smooth Dynamical Systems, Proc. of 2004 IASTED CSS, pp.49-54, Clearwater, Florida, Nov. 2004.
  67. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Spatio-Temporal Complex Behavior in Inhibitory Modified BVP Neurons Connected by Gap-Junction, Proc. NCSP2005, pp.29-32, Honolulu, Mar. 2005.
  68. Hiroki Yoshii, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, A New Scheme for Construction of 3D Bifurcation Diagrams, Proc. of NCSP2005, pp.65-68, Honolulu, Mar. 2005.
  69. Yusuke Nishiuchi, Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, On Synchronization in Cross Coupled BVP Oscillators, Proc. NCSP2005, pp.109-112, Honolulu, Mar. 2005.
  70. Yu Toyosaki, Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Sang-Ho Hyon, Partial Delayed Feedback Control for Autonomous System, Proc. of NCSP2005, pp.483-486, Honolulu, Mar. 2005.
  71. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcations in Modified BVP Neurons Connected by Inhibitory and Electrical Coupling, Proc. ISCAS2005, pp.6058-6061, Kobe, May 2005.
  72. Yoshihiro Imakura, Tetsushi Ueta, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Bifurcations of a Dynamical System Defined by PMART, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proc. of NOLTA'05, Vol.1, pp.38-51, Bruges, Oct. 2005.
  73. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcations in Class 1 neuron models interconnected by inhibitory and electrical synapses, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proc. of NOLTA'05, Vol.1, pp.317-320, Bruges, Oct. 2005.
  74. Toshiyuki Kumano, Masaaki Mizumoto, Yusuke Nishiuchi, Kunichika Tsumoto, Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Development of an ODE solver orienting a bifurcation analysis package, Proc. of NCSP'06, pp.297-300, Honolulu, Mar. 2006.
  75. Yusuke Nishiuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation phenomena of capacitive coupled BVP oscillators, Proc. of NCSP2006, pp.243-246, Honolulu, Mar. 2006.
  76. Yu Toyosaki, Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Switch synchronizing occasional delayed feedback control for piecewise linear systems, Proc. of NCSP2006, pp.203-206, Honolulu, Mar. 2006.
  77. Hiroki Yoshii, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Visualization and stereolithography system of bifurcation sets, Proc. of NCSP2006, pp.361-364, Honolulu, Mar. 2006.
  78. Hirokazu Komatsu, Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcational classification for type-I and II activities in a forced planar H-R model, Proc. of NCSP2006, pp.325-328, Honolulu, Mar. 2006.
  79. Kimiyasu Shiotsu, Tetsuya Kobayashi, Tetsushi Ueta, Shigeki Tsuji, Kazuyuki Aihara, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcations of periodic solutions in the forced genetic toggle switch system, Proc. of NCSP2006, pp.251-254, Honolulu, Mar. 2006.
  80. Toshiyuki Kumano, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Pattern Emergence in Strange Attractor by Directions of Mappings, Proc. of ISCAS2006, pp.2737-2740, Island of Kos, Greece, May 2006.
  81. Yu Toyosaki, Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Switch Synchronizing Delayed Feedback Control for Piecewise Linear Systems, Proc. of ISCAS2006, pp.3702-3705, Island of Kos, Greece, May 2006.
  82. Kazuya Kusaka, Takao Hanabusa, Satoshi Kiriyama, Tetsushi Ueta, Akio Tsuneda, Takuo Nagamachi, Mutual evaluation of presentation skills between two distant universities by giga-bit network, Department of Medical Education, Tokyo Women's Medical University, School of Medicine, Abstract of 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on PBL, pp.79, Tokyo, May 2006.
  83. YUE MA, Soumitro Banerjee, Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Classification and Analytical Method of Switched Dynamical Systems, Proc. of NOLTA2006, pp.235-238, Bologna, Italy, Sep. 2006.
  84. Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Dependence of Synchronous Activities in Coupled Inhibitory Neurons upon Excitability Classes, Proc. of NOLTA2006, pp.235-238, Bologna, Italy, Sep. 2006.
  85. Yasuo Miyoshi, Takahiro Oie, Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoneo Yano, e-Syllabus System Supporting the Discovery of Learning Paths, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Proceedings of E-Learn 2006, pp.784-789, Honolulu, Oct. 2006.
  86. Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Shigeki Tsuji, Occasional Delayed Feedback Control for Switched Autonomous Systems, Proc. of ISCAS2007, pp.2474-2477, New Orleans, May 2007.
  87. Quentin Brandon, Toshiyuki Kumano, Tetsushi Ueta, Method of repellers detection by applied computation over basin of attraction, Proc. NDES2007, pp.241-244, Tokushima, July 2007.
  88. Hassane Bouzahir, El Fatima Guezar, Tetsushi Ueta, On Scicos simulation of a hybrid dynamical system, Proc. NDES2007, pp.62-65, Tokushima, July 2007.
  89. Yusuke Nishiuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation Structure of Capacitive Coupled BVP, Proc. NDES2007, pp.90-93, Tokushima, July 2007.
  90. Masaaki Mizumoto, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation Analysis of Duffing-Rayleigh Equation, Proc. NDES2007, pp.90-93, Tokushima, July 2007.
  91. Quentin Brandon, Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Local Bifurcations of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems, Proc. NOLTA'07, pp.160-163, Vancouver, Sep. 2007.
  92. Fatima Guezar El, Hassane Bouzahir, Tetsushi Ueta, Pascal Acco, Chaos in a Switched Dynamical System: Scicos as a Modeler and Simulator, Proc. NOLTA'07, pp.164-167, Vancouver, Sep. 2007.
  93. Akihisa Tamura, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation analysis for a simple chaotic circuit and its coupled systems, Proc. NOLTA'07, pp.529-532, Vancouver, Sep. 2007.
  94. Quentin Brandon, Tetsushi Ueta, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Method of Bifurcation Analysis of Hybrid Nonlinear Systems, Proc. NOMA'07, pp.59-62, Toulouse, Dec. 2007.
  95. Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Visualization of unstable periodic points embedded in chaotic attractors by the directional coloring, Proc. NOMA'07, pp.25-28, Toulouse, Dec. 2007.
  96. Tetsushi Ueta, Quentin Brandon, Akihisa Tamura, Takuji Kousaka, Bifurcation and chaos in switched autonomous systems, Proc. NDES'08, pp.25-28, Nizhny Novgorod, July 2008.
  97. Quentin Brandon, Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Systems with Variable Switching Conditions, Proc. NOLTA'08, pp.160-163, Budapest, Sep. 2008.
  98. Akihisa Tamura, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation analysis of Izhikevich model, Proc. NOLTA'08, pp.529-532, Budapest, Sep. 2008.
  99. Satoshi Nishioka, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation Analysis of Chaos Synchronization in Coupled BVP Oscillators, Proc. NOLTA'08, pp.529-532, Budapest, Sep. 2008.
  100. Tetsushi Ueta, Synchronization of Coupled BVP Oscillators, IWCESD2009, No proceedings, pp.27-33, Hong Kong, May 2009.
  101. Kazutoshi Kinoshita, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation Analysis of the Lozi Map, as a Hybrid System, Proc. NOMA'09, pp.111-113, Urbino, Italy, Sep. 2009.
  102. Kei Nagao, Tetsushi Ueta, A Structural Detection of Unstable Periodic Points in Chaotic Attractors by the Directional Coloring, Proc. NOLTA'09, pp.419-422, Sapporo, Oct. 2009.
  103. Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, A Pilot Project toward Implementation of a Short-Term Exchange Program between an Affiliated University and The University of Tokushima, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Development of the Global Double Degree Program (GDDP), pp.33-35, Tokushima, Dec. 2009.
  104. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Design of the Poincare Mapping of Piecewise Linear Systems, The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan, Proc. NCSP 2010, pp.125-128, Honolulu, Mar. 2010.
  105. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation Analysis of Two Coupled Izhikevich Oscillators, Proc. NOLTA2010, pp.627-630, Cracow, Sep. 2010.
  106. Kazutoshi Kinoshita, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation Analysis of Coupled Nagumo-Sato Models, Proc. NOLTA2010, pp.488-491, Cracow, Sep. 2010.
  107. Tetsushi Ueta, Kei Nagao, Accurate Formulas Locating Unstable Periodic Points in Chaos, Proc. NOLTA2010, pp.111-114, Cracow, Sep. 2010.
  108. Kenji Matsuura, Naka Gotoda, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoneo Yano, Bridging Multiple Motor-Skills in a Community Site, Springer-Verlag, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Vol.LNAI 6279, pp.145-152, Cardiff, UK, Sep. 2010.
  109. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Jun'ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara, Analysis and controlling of interrupt chaotic systems by a switching threshold, Proc. ISIMM2011, p.107, Tokyo, Mar. 2011.
  110. Takaya Nakanishi, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Shigeki Tsuji, Jun'ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara, Delayed feedback control for dynamical systems with jumping characteristics, Proc. ISIMM2011, p.108, Tokyo, Mar. 2011.
  111. Kazutoshi Kinoshita, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Jun'ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcation phenomena of piecewise affine systems with hysteresis properties, Proc. ISIMM2011, p.109, Tokyo, Mar. 2011.
  112. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Jun'ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara, Analysis and controlling of interrupt chaotic systems by a switching threshold, Proc. NOLTA 2011, pp.577-580, Kobe, Sep. 2011.
  113. Takaya Nakanishi, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Shigeki Tsuji, Jun'ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara, Delayed feedback control for dynamic systems with jumping characteristics, Proc. NOLTA 2011, pp.615-618, Kobe, Sep. 2011.
  114. Kazutoshi Kinoshita, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Jun'ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcation phenomena of coupled piecewise affine system with hysteresis properties, Proc. NOLTA 2011, pp.407-410, Kobe, Sep. 2011.
  115. Daisuke Ito, Nakanishi Takaya, Akinori Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation Phenomena of a Light Coupled Oscillator with a Clock Pulse Input, The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan, Proc. NCSP 2012, pp.675-679, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
  116. Yoshinori Kitano, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, Guoan Yang, Yang Yang, On Investigation of the Intensity Scaling Factor in Fractal Image Coding, The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan, Proc. NCSP 2012, pp.273-276, Honolulu, Mar. 2012.
  117. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Jun'ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara, Energy saving controlling chaos, Proc. ISCAS 2012, pp.405-408, Seoul, May 2012. DOI:10.1109/ISCAS.2012.6272048
  118. Munehisa Sekikawa, Akinori Tsuji, Keiko Kimoto, Ikku Aihara, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Kazuyuki Aihara, Hiroshi Kawakami, Optically coupled oscillators (OCOs) - LED fireflies, Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Multimedia Conference, MM'12, pp.1485-1486, Nara, Oct. 2012.
  119. Y Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Asahara, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Kazuyuki Aihara, Takuji Kousaka, Experimental Control of Chaos via Switching Threshold in an Interrupted Electric Circuit, Proc. ITC-CSCC 2012, No.B-T2-05, pp.1485-1486, Sapporo, Oct. 2012.
  120. Yusuke Tone, Hiroyuki Asahara, Tetsushi Ueta, Kazuyuki Aihara, Takuji Kousaka, A Method for the Computation of Border Collision Bifurcation Point in a Piecewise Linear System with Interrupted Characteristics, Proc. NOLTA 2012, Vol.1, pp.828-831, Palma, Spain, Oct. 2012. DOI:10.15248/proc.1.828
  121. Tomohiro Otsu, Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Evaluation and Comparison of Controlling Energy, IEEE, Proceedings of The 2012 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Circuit Networks, pp.14-17, Tokushima, Dec. 2012.
  122. Tomohiro Otsu, Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Evaluation and Comparison of Controlling Energy, Proc. of 2013 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.673-676, Kona, Mar. 2013.
  123. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcation analysis of a chaotic map with a controller, Proc. of 2013 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.57-60, Kona, Mar. 2013.
  124. Jumpei Inaba, Yusuke Nishiuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Numerical validation for blurred basin of symmetric equilibria in a 3D autonomous system, Proc. of 2013 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.361-364, Kona, Mar. 2013.
  125. Tetsushi Ueta, Daisuke Ito, Kazuyuki Aihara, Restoration control for disappeared periodic solutions, Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics, pp.34-35, Nyzhny Novgrod, July 2013.
  126. Ken'ichi Fujimoto, Tomohiro Otsu, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroyuki Kitajima, Kazuyuki Aihara, Controlling Method to Avoid Bifurcations of Periodic Points Using Maximum Lyapunov Exponent, Proc. of 2013 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, pp.158-161, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013. DOI:10.15248/proc.2.158
  127. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Shigeki Tsuji, Kazuyuki Aihara, Attractor-Preserving Control to Avoid Saddle-Node Bifurcation, Proc. NOLTA 2013, pp.150-153, Santa Fe, Sep. 2013. DOI:10.15248/proc.2.150
  128. Yu Miino, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation phenomena of forced Izhikevich neuron model, Proc. NCSP 2014, pp.413-416, Honolulu, Mar. 2014.
  129. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Border-collision bifurcations for the mathematical model of the TCP-RED, Proc. NOLTA2014, pp.779-782, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
  130. Kenji Hishikawa, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation Analysis of Coupled Dictyostelium Oscillators, Proc. NOLTA2014, pp.419-422, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
  131. Shota Mano, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Pseudo periodic orbits and their stabilization, Proc. NOLTA2014, pp.775-778, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
  132. Yuu Miino, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation analysis of coupled Izhikevich neuron model with an external periodic force, Proc. NOLTA2014, pp.807-810, Luzern, Sep. 2014.
  133. Kenji Matsuura, Yosuke Seki, Masahiko Sano, Tetsushi Ueta, Design and Implementation of Organizational Authorization for a Network Monitoring System, Conference Publishing Service, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Computing and Networking, pp.605-607, Shizuoka, Japan, Dec. 2014.
  134. Yu Miino, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation analysis for the forced Alpazur oscillator, Proc. NCSP 2015, pp.158-161, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2015.
  135. Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Stability control with a threshold value of the stepping motor, Proc. NCSP 2015, pp.397-400, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2015.
  136. Kenji Hishikawa, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcations and Phase Differences of Nonlinear Coupled Dictyostelium System, Proc. NCSP 2015, pp.401-404, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2015.
  137. Shota Mano, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Circuit implementation of controlling chaos using pseudo periodic orbit, Proc. NCSP 2015, pp.405-408, Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2015.
  138. Yosuke Seki, Kenji Matsuura, Masahiko Sano, Tetsushi Ueta, Providing flexible authorization for shared group spaces by the attribute registration system, Proc. of the 17th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, pp.256-261, Busan, Aug. 2015. DOI:10.1109/APNOMS.2015.7275436
  139. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Laboratory experiment for bifurcation phenomena of the forced Alpazur oscillator, Proc. NOLTA 2015, pp.169-172, Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
  140. Daisuke Ito, Munehisa Sekikawa, Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bursting of transition dynamics on series coupled two operational amplifiers, Proc. NOLTA 2015, pp.181-184, Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
  141. Tomoyuki Sasada, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, Hirokazu Ohtagaki, Takuji Kousaka, Hiroyuki Asahara, Controlling Unstable Orbits via Varying Switching Time in a Simple Hybrid Dynamical Systems, Proc. NOLTA 2015, pp.475-478, Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
  142. Kyosuke Miyamoto, Daisuke Ito, Hiroyuki Asahara, Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Circuit Experiments for Bifurcation of TimeWaveforms on Forced LED Fireflies, Proc. NOLTA 2015, pp.836-839, Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
  143. Tetsushi Ueta, Yuu Miino, Automatic threshold adjustment for limit cycles holding a specified stability in hybrid systems, Proc. NCSP2016, pp.672-673, Honolulu, Mar. 2016.
  144. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, A difficulty from chattering in bifurcation analysis of the circuit with a Josephson junction including piecewise linear property, Proc. IEEE TJCAS 2016, pp.349-353, Tainan, Aug. 2016.
  145. Ryo Takeno, Yosuke Seki, Masahiko Sano, Kenji Matsuura, Kenji Ohira, Tetsushi Ueta, A Route Navigation System for Reducing Risk of Traffic Accidents, IEEE, Proceedings of IEEE 5th GCCE, pp.640-644, Kyoto, Oct. 2016. DOI:10.1109/GCCE.2016.7800543
  146. Hiroyuki Fukue, Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hirokazu Ohtagaki, Hiroyuki Asahara, A Switching Ripple Reduction Technique for Current-Controlled 1-Dimensional DC/DC Boost Converter, Proc. NOLTA 2016, pp.149-151, Yugawara, Nov. 2016.
  147. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Synchronized bifurcation in a two-coupled Izhikevich neuron model, Proc. NOLTA 2016, pp.354-357, Yugawara, Nov. 2016.
  148. Michitomo Morii, Hiroki Tanioka, Kenji Ohira, Masahiko Sano, Kenji Matsuura, Yosuke Seki, Tetsushi Ueta, Research on Integrated Authentication Using Passwordless Authentication Method, IEEE Computer Society, COMPSAC Workshops 2017 Student Research Symposium, pp.682-685, Torino, July 2017. DOI:10.1109/COMPSAC.2017.198
  149. Hiroki Tanioka, Takafumi Bando, Kenji Matsuura, Kenji Ohira, Masahiko Sano, Tetsushi Ueta, Improving Document Availability in Storage, Where're our important documents for daily business operations?, IIAI, The 9th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM 2017), pp.997-1000, Hamamatsu, July 2017. DOI:10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2017.139 [+]
  150. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Five-segment PWL conductance in a Josephson junction, Proc. IEEE TJCAS 2017, pp.997-1000, Okayama, Aug. 2017.
  151. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Global bifurcation analysis in a simple piecewise linear non-autonomous dynamical system, Proc. NOLTA 2017, pp.629-632, Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2017.
  152. Takeshi Kojima, Tetsushi Ueta, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, An attempt to enlarge basin in discrete tomographic dynamics with a competitive term, The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan, Proc. of NCSP'18, pp.604-607, Honolulu, Mar. 2018.
  153. Mamoru Sakai, Hiroki Tanioka, Kenji Matsuura, Masahiko Sano, Kenji Ohira, Tetsushi Ueta, Sakaguchi Hiroaki, Evaluating Hitting Skills of NPB Players with Logistic Regression Analysis, CSREA Press, CSCE'18 Proceedings, pp.313-319, Las Vegas, July 2018. [+]
  154. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcations in a sinusoidally driven LCR circuit with a hysteresis, Proc. NOLTA 2018, pp.247-250, Tarragona, Spain, Sep. 2018.
  155. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Atsuo Maki, Naoya Umeda, Local stability and bifurcation analysis of the softening Duffing equation by numerical computation, Proc. 13th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, pp.397-403, Osaka, Sep. 2018.
  156. Kohei Kawanaka, Felicia Misa Rabarison, Hiroki Tanioka, Masahiko Sano, Kenji Matsuura, Tetsushi Ueta, Improving Animal Recognition Accuracy using Deep Learning, IEEE, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography 2019, pp.18-23, Tokyo, May 2019.
  157. Kimura Kaoru, Felicia Misa Rabarison, Kawanaka Kohei, Hiroki Tanioka, Tetsushi Ueta, Local Zoo Animal Stamp Rally Application using Image Recognition, IEEE, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography 2019, pp.18-23, Tokyo, May 2019.
  158. Atsuo Maki, Yuuki Maruyama, Naoya Umeda, Yuu Miino, Toru Katayama, Masahiro Sakai, Tetsushi Ueta, A perspective on theoretical estimation of stochastic nonlinear rolling, Proc. of 17th International Ship Stability Workshop, pp.39-46, Helsinki, June 2019. [+]
  159. Kaoru Kimura, Felicia Misamanana Rabarison, Kawanaka Kohei, Hiroki Tanioka, Tetsushi Ueta, Animal Stamp Rally Application using Image Recognition, IIAI, The 7th International Conference on Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2019), pp.1077-1078, Toyama, July 2019. DOI:10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2019.00234
  160. Kohei Kawanaka, Felicia Misamanana Rabarison, Hiroki Tanioka, Masahiko Sano, Kenji Matsuura, Tetsushi Ueta, Improving Animal Recognition Accuracy using Image De-fencing, IIAI, The 7th International Conference on Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2019), pp.534-537, Toyama, July 2019. DOI:10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2019.00114
  161. Seiya Amo, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta, A method to suppress excited states for high symmetrical DOPO networks, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA 2019, pp.173-176, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2019.
  162. Rina Yano, Hiroki Tanioka, Kenji Matsuura, Masahiko Sano, Tetsushi Ueta, Quantitative Measurement and Analysis to Thinking as a Way of Programming for Elementary School in Japan, Proceedings of IIAI-AAI2020, pp.163-168, Kitakyushu, Sep. 2020. DOI:10.1109/IIAI-AAI50415.2020.00040
  163. Seiya Amo, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcation analysis of 3D hybrid autonomous system, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA 2020, pp.493-496, Online, Nov. 2020. DOI:10.34385/proc.74.D2L-C-1
  164. Miho Ogura, Tetsushi Ueta, A Cryptographic Hash Function Based on a Chaotic Map, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA 2020, pp.150-153, Online, Nov. 2020. DOI:10.34385/proc.74.A4L-D-3
  165. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Devil's staircase and multistability in a hybrid harmonic oscillator, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA 2020, pp.501-504, Online, Nov. 2020. DOI:10.34385/proc.74.D2L-C-3
  166. Shunya Izumi, Tetsushi Ueta, Secret Sharing Scheme Using Chaotic Neural Network, The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan, Proc. NCSP2021, pp.1-4, Online, Mar. 2021.
  167. Tetsushi Ueta, Backward-Time Dynamics in an RLC Circuit with an Inverted Diode, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NSLW2021, pp.8, Online, Dec. 2021.
  168. Amoh Seiya, Ogura Miho, Tetsushi Ueta, A Method to Obtain Variational Equations Automatically by Applying Symbolic Differentiation, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NSLW2021, p.17, Online, Dec. 2021.
  169. Miino Yuu, Tetsushi Ueta, Homoclinic bifurcation analysis for logistic map, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NSLW2021, p.15, Online, Dec. 2021.
  170. Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Calculation method for unstable periodic points in unimodal maps using symbolic dynamical system, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NSLW2021, pp.16, Online, Dec. 2021.
  171. Tetsushi Ueta, Locating and Controlling Chaotic Saddles, The 14th International Workshop on Complex-Systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA2021), p.56, Zhanjiang (online), Dec. 2021. [+]
  172. Masaki Yoshikawa, Kentaro Ono, Tetsushi Ueta, Bifurcations in a forced Wilson-Cowan neuron pair, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA 2022, pp.155-158, Online, Dec. 2022. DOI:10.34385/proc.71.A4L-E-04
  173. Kenji Matsuura, Kohta Jobe, Hiroki Tanioka, Hironori Takeuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Performed-Tactics Detection of a Basketball Match using Multi-Object Tracking Technology Applicable for a Movie, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Elizabeth Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, pp.676-680, New Orleans, LA, US, Mar. 2023.
  174. Yuri Lucas Direbieski, Hiroki Tanioka, Kenji Matsuura, Hironori Takeuchi, Masahiko Sano, Tetsushi Ueta, Security Impact Analysis of Degree of Field Extension in Lattice Attacks on Ring-LWE Problem, IEEE Computer Society, COMPSAC 2023 Workshop: The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Data Science and Machine Learning for Cybersecurity, IoT and Digital Forensics (DSML), pp.1441-1446, Turin, June 2023. DOI:10.1109/COMPSAC57700.2023.00221
  175. Seiya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta, Multivibrator with Slow-Fast Dynamics, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA2023, pp.13-16, Catania, Sep. 2023. DOI:10.34385/proc.76.A2L-14
  176. Michiru Katayama, Kenji Ikeda, Tetsushi Ueta, Laminar stabilization control in chaos intermittency, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA2023, pp.17-20, Catania, Sep. 2023. DOI:10.34385/proc.76.A2L-15
  177. Tetsushi Ueta, Python Expressions of Variational Equations, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA2023, pp.663-666, Catania, Sep. 2023. DOI:10.34385/proc.76.D1L-22
  178. Seiya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta, Design and Development of Bifurcation Analysis Software Using Python, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proc. NOLTA2023, pp.699-702, Catania, Sep. 2023. DOI:10.34385/proc.76.D2L-21
  179. Hiroki Tanioka, Tetsushi Ueta, Masahiko Sano, Toward a Dialogue System Using a Large Language Model to Recognize User Emotions with a Camera, The 1st InterAI: Interactive AI for Human-Centered Robotics workshop in conjunction with IEEE Ro-MAN 2024, pp.588-617, Pasadona, LA, USA, Aug. 2024.
  180. Taketo Shibasaki, Kenji Matsuura, Hironori Takeuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Visualization for easier recognition of low-risk and successful passes in a Basketball match, IIAI, IIAI Letters on Informatics and Interdisciplinary Research, Vol.5, pp.1-8, Takamatsu, Sep. 2024. DOI:

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